Endoscope Reprocessing | Endoscope Reprocessing Cycle | Endoscope Disinfection | STERIS
STERIS Corporation - Helping to provide a healthier today and a safer tomorrow.

Endoscope Reprocessing

STERIS offers a complete solution to support your endoscopy suite, helping you through every step of the processing cycle starting at bedside, through cleaning, to liquid chemical sterilization or high level disinfection, to compliant scope storage and transport solutions. Our products make it easy for you to quickly process your endoscopes, increasing throughput while maintaining the highest level of patient care and compliance to standards and guidelines.

Endoscope Point of Use Pre-Cleaning

Endoscope Point of Use Pre-Cleaning

  • Bedside pre-cleaning products prevent drying of hard-to-clean soils on endoscopes at the point of use, making them easier to clean during processing.

Manual Cleaning

Manual Cleaning

  • One of the most important steps in endoscope reprocessing is manual cleaning with sponges, detergents, and brushes. Our portfolio of products is designed to break down soils and protect the integrity of delicate devices.

VERIFY RESI-TEST Cleaning Indicators


  • Quick cleaning verification results in 10 seconds
  • Easy-to-read color change test results
  • Conforms to ANSI/AAMI standards for cleaning verification tests1

High Level Disinfection

High Level Disinfection

  • Maintain patient and staff safety with oxidative chemistries to accelerate your workflow.

Liquid chemical sterilization equipment.

Liquid Chemical Sterilization

  • Liquid chemical sterilization provides a higher standard of care when compared to high level disinfection.

Endoscope Drying, Storage and Transport


  • Help keep patients safe by eliminating contamination touchpoints while exceeding evolving guidelines for endoscope drying, storage and transport.

VerifEye 2.0 Video Borescope

VerifEye® 2.0 Video Borescope

  • Assists in visual inspection of medical devices, cannulas, and lumens
  • Inspect medical devices or scopes with a channel greater than 1.6mm and ureteroscopes with the 1.05mm inspection unit
  • Available in 3 different models to facilitate your specific needs
  • Ability to display images directly to a monitor via HDMI and compatible with virtual meeting software for virtual remote collaboration

SPM Endo Workflow Process

SPM® Endo Workflow Solution

  • Leads staff through the endoscope reprocessing loop, going far beyond typical endoscope tracking software
  • Configurable to your unique device inventory, lets you conform to industry standards, and facility policies and procedures
  • Electronic tracking removes extra documentation steps once scope processing is complete


Service and Service parts

SecureCare Services

Our equipment repair services for autoclaves, washer/disinfectors, surgical tables, and other healthcare equipment minimize unnecessary downtime.


Device matrix

Device Compatibility Matrix

Confirm your medical devices and accessories are compatible for processing with our Low Temperature Systems.