Products to Optimize the Operating Room Environment | STERIS
STERIS Corporation - Helping to provide a healthier today and a safer tomorrow.

Modern Operating Room Environment

The modern Operating Room is a fast-paced, demanding environment where each second counts. Having the right solutions delivered seamlessly in an ideal clinical environment allows staff to focus on providing uncompromised patient care. STERIS’s modern OR solutions help to create an environment of care that emphasizes patient and staff safety, with the benefits of cost- and energy-efficient installation for the hospital facility. 

Enhance your OR with the strength and beauty of ultra-durable, easily cleanable MEDglas Prefabricated Walls. Installing hospital ceiling solutions such as CLEANSUITE OR Ceiling Systems purify the environment with an air quality that surpasses US FED STD 209E/ISO8 by 1,000x. For increased protection, the PYURE Air and Surface Sanitization system safely improves laminar airflow and sanitizes surfaces while people and equipment are in the room. Prevent retained surgical items and increase staff accuracy by adding the ORLocate Surgical Counting and Detection System to current counting protocols.

STERIS modular operating room walls

MEDglas™ Prefabricated Walls

  • Specially tempered security glass combines beauty, strength, ultra-durability, and cleanability
  • Prefabricated modular glass wall system can be installed over existing walls and is customizable with a wide range of colors, images, and lighting options
  • Glass walls don't dent like stainless steel or show signs of aging and yellowing like drywall
  • A beautiful solution for any healthcare space, including operating rooms (OR), sterile processing areas, endoscopy suites, intensive care units (ICU), hallways, the hospital pharmacy, and beyond

CLEANSUITE Operating Room Ceiling System

CLEANSUITE® Operating Room Ceiling System

  • Helps mitigate the risk of airborne particles
  • Improves OR air quality by 1,000x that of traditional site-built, laminar-flow ceiling systems that conform to US FED STD 209E CLASS 100,000/ISO8
  • Prefabricated structural frame installs six times faster, and at a cost up to 40% less than traditional laminar-flow ceiling systems built onsite
  • Enables precise placement of ceiling-mounted surgical equipment (lights, booms, monitors, c-arms) to create a complete hospital ceiling solution

PYURE In-duct Air Purifier

PYURE Air and Surface Sanitization

  • Improves air quality, provides air sanitization and purification, and kills viruses and bacteria
  • Safe for patients and staff to be present during treatment without additional PPE
  • Scalable to treat areas, both small and large
  • Can be integrated into single or multiple HVAC and air handling systems
  • Designed for continuous operation

SONICU Environmental Monitoring System

SONICU Environmental Monitoring System

  • Track and log operating room temperature, humidity, air pressure differential, and door activity via 24/7 in-room monitoring
  • Access live and historical monitoring data anywhere on any smart device or desktop
  • Keep track of sensor data and receive real-time alerts via text, email, push notifications, and phone calls
  • End-to-end encryption to maintain data integrity and security with cloud-based storage
  • Automatically generate compliance reports

Environment and Procedure Aids for Staff

preventing retained surgical items

ORLocate™ Surgical Counting and Detection System

  • Leverages radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to enhance surgical counting protocols before, during, and after surgical procedures
  • Helps to reduce the risk of unintentionally retained surgical items (RSIs) and eliminate the need for potentially costly X-Rays
  • Adheres to AORN guidelines for the use of technology as part of surgical counts
  • Improves the accuracy of manual surgical counts in the operating room (OR)

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