Integrated products and services to support sterile processing, instrument management, and reprocessing needs.
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Working Together to Make Your ASC a SUCCESS!
With the unprecedented growth of outpatient procedures, how you operate today and plan for the future has never been more critical.
STERIS has a dedicated team of advisors focused on understanding the unique needs of your Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) to create a custom plan just for YOU. With a comprehensive offering of products, equipment, services, clinical education, and training programs, the STERIS team will support the ENTIRE perioperative environment to help make your facility as safe and efficient as possible.
Renovation or New Construction: Surgery Center Development
The STERIS Healthcare Design team can help. With over 140+ years of experience designing healthcare spaces, you can expect unmatched service for your project's planning, design, and coordination through simulations, assessments, workflow analysis, and advanced visualization.
You can have confidence that your plan will help maximize productivity, drive efficient workflows, ensure compliance, and leverage best-in-class solutions for your Operating Room (OR), Endoscopy Suite, and Sterile Processing Department (SPD).
Using design expertise and industry-leading tools, we focus on getting your space right the first time. These unmatched services include:
Keep your healthcare equipment and instruments operating at peak performance and minimize unnecessary downtime with STERIS’s innovative and comprehensive service offerings:
Our skilled Services team is dedicated to easing your daily challenges around equipment and device repair and maintenance, enabling you to provide the highest quality patient care.
Learn more about our Services:
Run a High-Performing SPD in Your Facility
Let STERIS help with the challenges associated with instrument processing. STERIS can help your Ambulatory Surgery Center optimize its process, compliance, and outcomes with the following services:
Building a Strong Team with Education & Training
Advance your team’s knowledge and be prepared with continued education and training. STERIS provides training on-site at your ASC, online 24/7, and at our Customer Solutions Center. We help ensure your staff is up-to-date on the latest technologies, treatments, and standards.
Integrated products and services to support sterile processing, instrument management, and reprocessing needs.
Offerings ranging from surgical equipment, OR technology, and procedural surgical instruments and repair services – STERIS supports the OR to help Customers deliver unparalleled patient care.
Comprehensive offerings in procedural endoscopy devices, endoscope reprocessing products and equipment, and endoscope and instrument repair help Customers advance patient care.