Used across multiple specialties to deliver liquid nitrogen spray cryotherapy treatments
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trūFreeze cryotherapy is a non-contact ablation technology and regenerative therapeutic treatment for benign and malignant airway disease. Liquid Nitrogen Spray Cryotherapy (LNSC) can minimize scarring and fibrosis when combined with other complementary therapies, such as balloon dilation by bronchoscopy, to treat tracheal and bronchial stenosis. Studies have shown significant improvement in preserving airway patency and often a more extended period before reintervention when cryotherapy is utilized. The extremely cold nature of Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) can also help control bleeding in malignant tumor debulking.
trūFreeze Spray Cryotherapy - Passive Venting
Lung Transplant Anastomotic Strictures
Tim Cox shares how trūFreeze® Cryotherapy "gave him his life back." Tim experienced severe bronchial stenosis following a double lung transplant. His quality of life was low due to the frequent bronchoscopies, stents, and dilation treatments.
Listen as Tim explains how he has hope again following his Spray Cryotherapy procedures. His Interventional Pulmonologist has removed all five stents, and Tim is breathing better with longer intervals between treatments.
Used across multiple specialties to deliver liquid nitrogen spray cryotherapy treatments
Designed to deliver liquid nitrogen for airway disease and pulmonary applications
trūFreeze Cryotherapy – How it Works:
Ablation of Obstructive Vascular Malignancy in the Airway:
trūFreeze Airway Procedure Video – Presented by Dr. Otis Rickman:
trūFreeze Spray Cryotherapy – Pulmonary Application:
To watch more videos, please visit the STERIS Endoscopy YouTube Channel.
The truFreeze system is an ablation technology that ablates benign and malignant tissue to improve and preserve airway patency. Liquid nitrogen spray cryotherapy offers the following clinical benefits:
Improved Airway Patency: Studies have shown significant improvement in luminal caliber and often a longer period before reintervention7, 8, 9
Regenerative Healing Response: Promotes non-scarring wound healing and normal tissue regrowth7, 9, 10
Non-Contact: Ablate tissue of various shapes, nodularities, and sizes and treat more significant areas of tissue relative to contact therapies7
Hemostasis: Extreme cold controls bleeding and causes vascular stasis7,8,9
Liquid nitrogen can minimize scarring and fibrosis and may not adversely affect complementary therapies, including stents, balloons, and blood thinners, providing greater treatment flexibility without limiting future therapeutic options.8
Pulmonary – Passive Venting Training Program
Training is available for physicians and clinical staff interested in using trūFreeze spray cryotherapy in the airway. We offer hands-on training in Cleveland, OH, or a physician proctor can support your first-patient treatments at your facility. Our regional Clinical Specialists are available to provide case support for your staff.
Training is provided for all new users to ensure physicians and clinical staff utilizing the truFreeze® console in conjunction with the Aire PV™ catheter are comfortable using the equipment to safely deliver liquid nitrogen into the airway via the passive venting method.
Use the videos and guides or request an in-service for additional training information.
To contact Service Technical Support, please call 800-769-8226.
Treating Post-Lung Transplant Bronchial Stenosis
With the help of trūFreeze Spray Cryotherapy treatments, hear how Tim Cox improved his quality of life after severe bronchial stenosis following a double lung transplant.
Treating Squamous Cell Esophageal Cancer
Learn how trūFreeze Spray Cryotherapy helped Harold regain control over his life after a Stage 4 metastatic esophageal cancer diagnosis.