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High-level disinfection (HLD) can be achieved with a manual or automated process. A manual HLD process typically involves soaking a device for some time within a specific temperature and concentration. For most endoscopes, industry standards/guidelines recommend automated processes to provide a more efficient, consistent, and measurable outcome.
Maintain a safe and compliant HLD process for your staff and patients with products that can meet your needs for manual soaking and validated use in automated endoscope reprocessors (AERs).
An AER is often used for endoscope reprocessing. After cleaning, the automated process in an AER circulates the HLD solution around the exterior and through the device channels for a timed exposure period, followed by rinsing. STERIS AERs are available in either one-sided or pass-thru configurations. Both support best practices by allowing for unidirectional workflow.
*Does not apply to Duodenoscopes