Reliance Endoscope Transport System - Endoscope Transport Bags | STERIS
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Reliance Endoscope Transport System

  • Complete system for safe endoscope transport
  • Leak and puncture-proof 1 bins to keep biohazards contained
  • Prevents devices from jostling with smooth-rolling, medical-grade casters
  • Immediate identification of clean and dirty scopes through color-coded bags


The Reliance Endoscope Transport System is designed to safely and easily transport endoscopes to a procedure room or to reprocessing. Green and red bags clearly indicate clean and dirty scopes, while heavy duty polypropylene bins with lids eliminate the risk of leaks or punctures.

How the Reliance Endoscope Transport System Works

  • Clearly marked bags – Color-coded, biohazard marked (for dirty scopes) and tear-resistant bags for clear and immediate identification of clean and dirty scopes
  • Heavy duty bins and lids – Polypropylene-constructed bins with hard lids keep scopes contained and eliminate the risk of leaks and punctures, meeting ANSI/AAMI ST58:2013

Why the Reliance Endoscope Transport System?

The Reliance Endoscope Transport System protects devices by diminishing exposure touch points - from point-of-use reprocessing to transport to a procedure, and every step along the way. Thoughtfully designed, this system's individual components provide easy to use and compliant bags and bins focused on staff and patient safety.

  • Transport Multiple Scopes – Room for six scopes, in addition to a lipped workspace on the top of the cart
  • Easily Decontaminate – Stainless steel construction allows cart to be thermal disinfected in a cart washer
  • Move Smoothly – Easy movement with smooth, medical-grade, locking casters and an ergonomically-designed handle

1 Under normal working conditions

Endoscope Pre-Cleaning

PRE-KLENZ™ Soak Shield

  • Promotes effective device reprocessing through loosening of soils
  • Pre-cleaning process from bedside to reprocessing

Revital-Ox® Bedside Complete Cleaning Kit

  • Ready-to-use bedside cleaning kit
  • Pre-diluted enzymatic detergent and impregnated sponge

Endoscope Drying and Storage

Reliance® Endoscope Drying and Storage Cabinets

  • Available in a range of sizes and features to fit your endoscope storage needs
  • Non-porous chamber construction using stainless steel

Other Endoscopy Products

SYSTEM 1E® Liquid Chemical Sterilant Processing System

  • For reprocessing of cleaned, reusable heat-sensitive critical and semi-critical devices
  • Kills all spores during exposure in the standard cycle

Reliance® EPS Endoscope Processing System

  • Safe alternative to aldehydes in a validated system designed specifically for use in the GI Department
  • Accelerates throughput with an easy-to-load, dual scope, automated processor

Endoscope Detergents and Disinfectants

  • Endoscopy pre-cleaning, cleaning and disinfection products
  • Superior performance and an environmentally friendly solution for endoscope reprocessing

Endoscope Reprocessing Solutions

  • Endoscope cleaning and High Level Disinfection
  • Endoscope liquid/gas chemical sterilization

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